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Infinite Scale: The ultimate guide to growth for Managed Service Providers

Bücher Herunterladen Infinite Scale: The ultimate guide to growth for Managed Service Providers
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'Insightful, accomplished, and bold, James Vickery clearly enjoys shaking up the MSP paradigm. Unlike advice from someone who theorizes, his experience running a successful MSP results in thought-provoking and relevant advice. We believe James is a rising star among MSP adviser-experts and our work together helps us take it to the next level!'- Sheila Bixler and Patrick Beemer, Managing Partners, New Frontier Technologies
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
James Vickery has spent his entire 20-year career building MSPs. He is a leading thinker, commentator and much sought-after adviser to MSPs. James has founded two successful MSP enterprises: Benchmark 365 and I Know IT. His experience has taught him that the key to infinite scale for MSPs is changing from a tech to a sales mindset and not being afraid to throw out everything you thought you knew. It's his mission to help make your MSP big and profitable.
Taschenbuch: 138 Seiten
Verlag: I Know IT (19. Oktober 2018)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0648402401
ISBN-13: 978-0648402404
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 0,8 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 616.430 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Full Disclosure - I am a partner with James and his company, Benchmark 365 as of June 2018. Our partnership is stellar, and their team of techs have helped our own MSP become more profitable and the scalability is finally there.Offloading our help desk has finally freed myself from the shackles of constantly putting out fires, and servicing clients instead of where I need to be – forging stronger client relationships and igniting the Sales Machine. Picking up this book was a no-brainer for me as we’re in the trenches with Benchmark 365 and we are following James’ guidance, expertise, and vision with our own MSP to scale, grow, and be more profitable. It’s not been without its challenges like anything in business. My own fears, resistance, and inflexibility needed to be adjusted and tweaked and I needed to let go of several misconceptions about clients and service delivery in order to just trust the process, trust Benchmark365, and free myself to do much more important things – such as working ON the business instead of working IN the business.James tells his story from when he was a young boy learning about computers all the way through to where he is now as a successful MSP and now, a Master MSP through Benchmark 365. He intertwines his own story with the story of what it’s like being an MSP today versus being a “break/fix computer consultant†in the past, with the struggles, the pitfalls, the successes, and where it’s all going in the future. There are a lot of key points that any MSP business owner or high-level manager can take away from this book – even if offloading the Help desk has already been done or you already have a full staff of technicians servicing your clients. There are some that I sort of knew the concept of but James puts it in complete perspective and drives points home. There are many parallels between myself and my business and James’ own – so much so to the point where I felt I was almost reading my own biography but with a lot of “aha!†moments and “been there done that†moments. We MSPs aren’t alone in our experiences of burn-outs, staffing issues, service delivery issues, profitability, or being in the grind feeling like we’re spinning our wheels.Running a business is hard. Running an MSP is ten times as hard, but with James’ guidance, and Benchmark 365’s help, we finally feel like we’re working smarter, not harder and the profitability that it generates as well as the freeing up of my own valuable time allows us to have a much larger marketing and sales budget in order to scale. I highly recommend this book and I most certainly recommend considering Benchmark 365 or at least taking a look at delegation and outsourcing things.
I work with MSPs a lot - and one of their biggest challenges is getting out of their own way - when it comes to growing their business. It's all about mindset and understanding that to grow you have to do things differently. This book is really helpful in re-setting the landscape for an MSP entrepreneur and driving home the importance of focusing on sales and marketing to grow.Vickery outlines his own journey and how he came to realise he needed to change his business model if he wanted to be successful. There's heaps of great tips on how to win at sales, scaling and getting momentum into a business as well as food for thought too on the value of outsourcing in the transformation process. It's a refreshingly honest and frank point of view from someone who has been through it and found a way forward.
There are some interesting points, but they could fit in a blog post. The rest is relentless advertising of the author's business.
I gleaned valuable insights from reading James' story. He's been through the same growing pains I experience(d) running an MSP and his approach to solving them provided me with some lightbulb moments and plenty of food for thought.
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